Cosa si cela dietro la foto dei due pinguini abbracciati?

Ti è capitato in questi giorni di vedere sui social la foto di due pinguini abbracciati?

È lo scatto di Tobias Baumgaertner che sta facendo il giro dei social network in queste settimane e che in molti vedono come un ritratto del periodo che stiamo vivendo, anche se la foto risale al 2019.



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– Happy World Penguin Day – Here is a short video of the two penguins which have recently touched so many hearts around the world. While standing on the rock and facing the Melbourne skyline, they are surrounded by the calls of hundreds of other little fairy penguins. May these two bring even more love into your lives! I am a dreamer,… I believe that it is important to have dreams as they make life worth living and give love meaning. I previously shared these penguin images to spread love because that, I believed, is what the world needed most right now. It was never intended to be scientifically accurate as it was quite obviously romanticized by adding my personal feelings of being separated from and longing for the one I can’t live without. I wrote these words from the bottom of my heart and never expected so many people to connect with them. Like with anything else in life too much of one thing has the potential to become dangerous and while we don’t know what goes on in these little penguins I’ve been advised by the scientific community that anthropomorphizing animals can have a negative influence on them as it “can… lead to inappropriate behaviors towards wild animals”. This is especially the case for animals living in such close proximity to the city as they are already dealing with various challenges. I have further been adviced that these two could be related, …the exact relation of these two is at this point probably hard to figure out but i am happy to hear that if they are not friends then they might at least be family. Either way I believe that this was a truly beautiful and magical moment that spread so much love around the world. I also believe that humans protect what they can connect with and it acts as a reminder that we share this beautiful world with many other beings which come in various shapes and sizes, degrees of fluffiness and colors as well as with specific needs crucial for their survival. It presents us with just one of many reasons why we should protect the ones with no voice to stand up for themselves and most importantly it has shown us that if we care and come together we could change the world… CONTINUE IN COMMENTS…

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Baumgaertner ha infatti scattato alcune foto a due pinguini abbracciati mentre guardano le luci della città di Melbourne l’anno scorso, ma l’ha condivisa solo recentemente sui suoi profili social perché ben rappresenta il momento che stiamo vivendo. “In periodi come questi, i più fortunati sono coloro che possono stare con la persona/le persone che amano di più“, ha scritto il fotografo su Instagram.



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During times like this the truly lucky ones are those that can be with the person/people they love most. I captured this moment about a year ago. These two Fairy penguins poised upon a rock overlooking the Melbourne skyline were standing there for hours, flipper in flipper, watching the sparkling lights of the skyline and ocean. A volunteer approached me and told me that the white one was an elderly lady who had lost her partner and apparently so did the younger male to the left. Since then they meet regularly comforting each other and standing together for hours watching the dancing lights of the nearby city. I spend 3 full nights with this penguin colony until I was able to get this picture. Between not being able or allowed to use any lights and the tiny penguins continuously moving, rubbing their flippers on each other’s backs and cleaning one another, it was really hard to get a shot but i got lucky during one beautiful moment. I hope you enjoy this moment as much as I did. #lovewillalwayswin • ? @tobiasvisuals •Shot on Nikon Z6, Nikkor 50mm 1.4, ISO 8000, 50mm, f/1.4, 1/60 sec

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Com’è è riuscito a scattare una foto così particolare? A raccontarlo è stato Baumgaertner stesso, che ha spiegato
di essere rimasto appostato per ben tre notti prima di riuscire a trovare il momento perfetto. “Tra l’impossibilità o il mancato permesso di usare qualsiasi luce e i piccoli pinguini che si muovono in continuazione, è stato davvero difficile fare uno scatto, ma sono stato fortunato a trovare un bellissimo momento. Un volontario si è avvicinato e ha detto che il pinguino bianco è in realtà un’anziana signora che ha perso il suo compagno e lo stesso è accaduto al maschio più giovane a sinistra“. Secondo quanto raccontato dal volontario, in seguito alla perdita dei rispettivi partner, i due pinguini si confortano spesso abbracciandosi, rimanendo anche per ore l’uno vicino all’altro.
Una bella storia e uno scatto emozionante che sta commuovendo il mondo.

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